Dorothie E. Wright
WRIGHT, Dorothie E. Daughter of the late John F. and Dorothy M. (Holden) Wright, passed away peacefully on November 6 at the age of 77. She had struggled with advancing Alzheimer’s disease for several years. Dot graduated from Boston University in 1953 with a degree in Communication and worked for several local radio and television stations. In the 1960s she earned a Masters degree in Religion Studies from Andover Newton Theological School and a Masters degree in Special Education from Boston University. In the late 60’s Dot began a long and distinguished career working with developmentally delayed children and their families as a teacher and family counselor. Through the South Shore Mental Health Center she served as an educational consultant to several south shore communities. She lived for many years in her family home in Scituate. From an early age, Dot possessed artistic skills. She developed her talent and became a juried artist who exhibited her work in Massachusetts and throughout New England. Her primary medium was sculpture. Spirituality was an important part of Dot’s life and was often represented in her artwork. She maintained numerous friendships from her church community. Dot was the partner of the late Leo Bisaillon from the North Shore of Massachusetts. As a couple they travelled extensively and seized every moment of their time together. Dorothie is survived by an uncle and several cousins. A memorial service in celebration of her life is planned for the spring of 2013
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