David J. Evers, Sr.
David J. Evers, Sr., 62, passed away Wednesday, September 13, 2017. He is survived by his children: David Evers Jr., Shauna Donahue and her husband Tim, Marc Evers and May Bowman; a loving and cherished PAPA to Taelyn Timothy and Molleigh Donahue; his brother, John Evers and his sister, JordynMarie Evers and was a devoted uncle to many nieces and nephews. David will be dearly missed by all. He was predeceased by his son, Ryan Evers and two brothers, Ricky and Jimmy Evers.
Let the family know you care by sharing this tribute.
I wish I knew,forever in my heart…….
Rest easy uncle Dave ❤
Hey cuz, it’s never good when you lose someone you love. Especially being as close as we were growing up. My heart is heavy. I’m really going to miss you !
I miss you so much my dear friend our talks your visit you was taken from us to soon but now you are at peace and no more pain fly high my angel deeply loved and missed but never forgotten
I love you dad. Stay with me forever. You always had my back and did everything you could for us, you would go without just for us. I will never be able to fill this hole or this feeling we feel but I know your always going to be with us. The kids are missing their Papa so much. ?
Rest easy cuz, my heart is heavy but I have a ton of memories to look back on and smile…. you were loved and will be missed !!!
Fran chase Fly with Angels plz watch over your son Cameron Evers I know he made you so proud dave I will for ever keep you in my heart
Plz watch over your son Cameron Evers I know you loved him so much and he made you very proud of him I could hear it in your voice when talk about him You will be miss but not forgotten rip Dave
I Hope I Make You Proud Dad
I hope I make you proud dad, even though you’re no longer here to stay,
Your memory grows stronger, with every passing day,
At the end it was a battle, one you weren’t to win,
A fight against a demon, no choice but to give in,
I wish I could’ve said goodbye, that day when you left,
Told you you were my hero, and that you were the best,
Tears I cry in secret, at night before I sleep,
Wishing you were beside me, you’d be forever here to keep,
The days don’t make it easier, they said the pain would go,
It seems I’ve just got better, not letting my feelings show,
Wishing I could hold your hand, to shout your name aloud,
You’re no longer here dad, but I hope I make you proud.
Hi Uncle Dave it me Cameron I miss u and I wish u we’re still here I really miss u ;( rest in peace xoxoxoxo
Always miss u and love u. <3
One week ago today, I held your hand and never left your side. I miss you so much dad. Telling Taelyn was devastated and misses you so much, babyTim keeps talking about his papa. Our house will forever being missing you.
Rest peacefully now.❤❤
Still can’t believe it. Fly high & Rest easy David…You will be missed.
Still can’t believe it. Fly high & Rest easy David…You will be missed.
It’s been a week today,,, still in denial… Miss u more everyday bro… My heart is broken,. @ least u r @ peace,,no more pain.. Fly high bro.. Love & miss u,,, Always… Xoxoxoxo.
Dibby da!!!!!
David,,,,, Throughout everything in life you were my friend. We had such plans for a welcome home party for you with close family and friends,, now you I with your loved ones that have passed before you….
Dad, went to pick you up today. For now you are back home with me. Dayday got a beautiful urn and we will have you spread amongst, David Marc auntie J and Cory. So grateful for my big brother dad, he’s making sure everything gets done and we’re all okay. Love and miss you forever.. til your very last breath I was there.
Dear Carol, I am so sorry for the loss of David, Once someone has shared a part of another’s life the memories last forever and will last throughout your lifetime. I’m sure he will watch over you and your children. Much Love, Hazel
Dear Carol, I am so sorry for the loss of David, Once someone has shared a part of another’s life the memories last forever and will last throughout your lifetime. I’m sure he will watch over you and your children. Much Love, Hazel.
David, You are now @ peace, but very much still alive in those who love you. You fought a good fight but in the end God needed a leader & he choosed you… Rest easy & fly high.. I will miss dearly…xxoo Love you, Theresa.
Hey bro,, Still in the denial stage,, I expect u 2 come walking through the door,, but it just stay shut.. , it doesn’t seem real… I miss you so much… I’m totally lost… Love u infinitely & beyond!!! Xxoo…..
I hadn’t seen you since I was a kid running around with Quinn and Shauna we had just started talking again so sad to hear you gone but I know your watching over and your in a better place now love and miss you uncle david
Good morning bro,,, u would b calling me from wherever u r (even from the couch) 2 tell me my its pouring out,,,u no how much I love storms… I miss that,,, miss everything. This is soooo hard.. Shauna’s trying 2 hold it 2gether 4 the kids but she falls apart @ x’s…watch over her & the kids,, Keep them safe,,,keep them close..that goes 4 me 2…Spread ur wings & sore the skies… Until we meet again,,, I love & miss u D,,,ALWAYS.. XOXOXOXO….
3 weeks. Still so unreal. I go to pick up the phone, the baby calls out for you all the time.. I miss you so much!! Love you daddy
Hey bro,,, nope,,, not any easier or any less painful… @ any given x I get 2 a very low place & the heartache is overwhelming… Miss u so much…I’d gave anything 4 one more day… Love u 2 the moon & back… Xoxoxoxo…
Today’s marcs birthday and I went through my personal pictures to make him a little video. Taelyn was sitting with me and everyone we came across with you in it she would light up and say mumma there’s Papa! She would smile and say “ I sure do miss him”. This has to be one of the hardest losses. I break down every time I hear your name, find any of your stuff in the house or even doing to get a coffee. As I cry writing this at work, I’m so grateful for all the time you got with the kids, they made everything better for you. I miss you so much dad. Till we meet again, dibbyda ❤️
Hey bro,,, it’s a month 2day,,, still feels like yesterday.. I miss u so much… Its so hard,, I’m lost… U use 2 do everything 4 me,,, I’m hveing a wicked hard x putting up (ONE) window blind in Cam’s room,, & I have 3 more besides that..its the lil’ things tht u always did that bring me back 2 reality that u won’t b here anymore 2 fix everything that’s broke.. & my heart is broken the most & nothing & no1 can ever fix that…until we meet again,, I Love & miss u so..Give mama the biggest kiss & hug from me… Xoxoxoxo…
Goodnight dad, I love you so much.
Miss you so much dad..
Not getting any easier bro… ..these out best come out nowhere. If only time had a reset button…I love u 2 the moon,,,ALWAYS…. XOXOXOXO
Hi daddy,
Went to nursing orientation today. Going to go back in January. How could I ever let you down by not fulfilling my dream when I’m so close to it. Nothin has been easy since you left. It’s still so hard to accept it besides knowing your not in pain anymore is the only part that’s comforting. Your last breathe will forever replay over and over again. The kids miss you so much. Their faces light up when we talk about you. I’m glad that you were always with them. It hurts when I can’t call you to talk and I reach for my phone.
Miss you always
I hate Wednesdays 🙁
hey Bordinski,,,still hvein a hard x…like there’s stuff of urs EVERYWHERE,,, still haven’t gotten heart (or the wanting) 2 touch ur stuff, Neva mind get rid of anything….. Still got ur insulin in my fridge..I miss u soooo very much… It’s The lil’ things that chock me up…HVE mom a gr8 BIG hug & kiss from me..tell every1 I love & miss them…ttyl bro…4eva & a day,,I love u….XOXOXOXO
Hi dad, happy thanksgiving. We miss you very much. I bought some new frames and printed off some pictures. Baby Tim said “ look muma that’s my papa!! Big smile ear to ear, I told him yes that’s your papa, he said I love him. The days go on but you live in our hearts and memories. Tim and I are so grateful for all you ever did for us, all the help with the kids and just being you! Starting thinking about our vow renewal and even though getting my dream wedding is going to happen, I’m going to be missing a big part-you! I feel everything happens for a reason, at least you were there when we first said I DO. I’m one lucky girl that you approved and loved Tim. Sitting her at 330am on the overnight shift at work, thanksgiving day. I miss you so so so so much!
I know your forever with me ❤️ Love you daddy
Good mornin’ Bordinski,, it’s ur favorite holiday & I’m a basket case ,,u would b yelling @ me rite about now telling me I’m doin something ring,,lol if only….Happy Thanksgiving Bro… I love & miss u BIG X…………………….XOXOXOXO.. P.S. whoeva came up wth the saying “it gets easier” is an ass…… It done,, not yet anyway..1/4/3
Life just keeps getting harder and harder without you, Dad. All that keeps me going is seeing me making you proud by graduating, succeeding, and loving someone the way you loved me. Hope you’re doing alright up there. Dibby Dah.
My Dad
May Bowman
Have you seen my Dad?
I don’t know where he’s gone
Sometimes it hurts so much
I can’t seem to carry on.
I hear he doesn’t look quite the same
He doesn’t need much rest
The IV and medications are all gone
In fact, he looks his best
Some say he is always watching
I hope this to be true
And that one day he’ll return to me
And say, “I’ve come for you”
Have you seen my Dad?
I imagine he’s doing okay
Though it hurts to know
I can’t call him every day.
I really miss my Dad
I wasn’t ready to say goodbye
It will never be the same
Years from now, I know I’ll cry
I bet God is with my Dad
Wrapped up in His arms
Sheltered from all illness and sorrow
Keeping him from harm
I bet he sees us mourning
But would want us to smile
And tell us our time apart
Is only a little while
I’ll never quite understand
Why your time here was so small
But you said you’ll always be there
To catch me when I fall
I miss you so much Dad
But I hope and pray
That when it’s my time you’ll come for me
I’ll see you again someday
I guess it was meant to be
That your work here on Earth was done
Now your life in paradise
Has only just begun
Tears that I weep and prayers
Will hopefully travel very far
To reach my loving dad
Sitting among the stars
Wrote this for you dad, never stop thinking about you. Thank you again for everything. Dibby dah.
Dad you signs have been so strong this week. I love and miss you so much. You won ❤️
Ugh!!!!!! It’s getting any easier Bordinski,, infact it’s a lot harder…. Especially wth it being the holiday season,,, THIS SUX…nothing is the same.. I’m a walking waterfall…I miss u so much D…..keep ur eye out 4 a blinking green star,, that’s will b my 4eva heart telling u I love u…..xoxoxoxo…..dibby day…Ur Mazie wrote U a beautiful poem… It took awhile 2 read it between the waterfall..I loved it… & ur princess Taelyn is getting so big,, Chuckie seen a few pix on Facebook,,,said she looks like u.. But every I c Shauna,,, I c u….love u….
i still hug moo moo every night like the day you gave him to me, helps me sleep at night knowing i still got you with me dad. hope your sitting on your high horse up there in luxury big guy. ❤️
tae’s birthday party today, loved her smiling face. she got years ahead of her with her papa by her side in her heart. ❤️
Love you always Dad! The kids grabbed a box of coco puffs today at the store, all I could do was smile. I miss you so much.
today was great but doesn’t get any easier, miss you beyond words dad. thank you for everything. ❤️
I went to write a poem for my english class & all I could keep writing was about you. You haven’t left my mind since you left my presence, Dad. Thinking of you forever.
Hey Brodinski,,, this is not a good day,, well not really any days hve been good since you’ve been gone… 2day howeva SUX.. Miss u big x bro..somex’s I get the strongest feeling tht ur here…. Otha x’s I 4get ur gone,,, those r the worst,, reality its back hard…ugh..Lu2tm bro…xoxoxoxo… Still so lost…
today went by so slow, i wish you’d get off my mind but at the same time i never want you to leave it.
in school, wishing i was at home on the couch with you watching blue bloods. hope you aren’t missing any episodes up there. ❣️
i talked to you about my struggle with school before you left me & you told me it would all work out in the end because i’m a smart girl. i’m glad you gave me shauna because without her i’d be lost. i love you dad .
Thank you for showing me the way. I hope I’m making you proud with these kids. Miss you like crazy
i hate reaching for the phone knowing you aren’t on the other end anymore. dibby dah.
come back to me, i need a hug that only you can give me.
Dad please give me the strength..I need you!
i wonder if you look both ways before you cross my mind.
Dad, I had a dream tonight. It was you and I talking face to face. We spoke about the kids & the family & how you were happier. No more hurting, no more suffering. I had so much left to say but then you hugged me goodbye and I opened my eyes. It was 1 AM, I haven’t slept yet, and I haven’t stopped crying. Every time I go back to go to sleep, I just know I won’t ever get that close to you again. We were so close, it became too real. I saw every detail in your face, the smile that always made me happier. I got a hug I’ve needed since the day you left me. I wish I never opened my eyes, I could’ve told you about so much more. It’s so much different talking to the sky than talking face to face. Thank you & I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer. Give me another chance to speak to you & I’ll never open my eyes again.
Marc & Kayla got me a beautiful necklace in your memory.. we miss you so much. Love you always dibbyda
Merry Christmas Brodinski. Yesterday my b-day just didn’t feel complete,& 2day,, Christmas,,,it definitely isn’t the same…. I miss u so very much & I don’t c it feel anything changing… I’m just as sad & brokenhearted as I was the day God brought u home,, I think I’m inw the mad stage now,,, cuz I’m pretty pissed of wth God… Anyway gve every1 a big kiss & hug & tell them I wish they we’re here,, exspecially Mom & Merry Merry Christmas,,..Thanks 4 the snow…. lu2tm xoxoxoxo
Merry Christmas daddy!!! We miss you so much papa!!! I love you!
merry christmas up in heaven dad, kids are happy with all they have. the biggest thing on my wishlist was for you to be happier & from my dream the other night i got exactly what i asked for. shauna & tim gave me a family that i’ve always wanted & things beyond imaginable. thank you for giving me shauna and giving me such a blessed life. i love you. see you again big dog.
i keep texting you waiting for a response.
Hey Bordinski,,, well another new year has just begun & I pray it’s better then last year…. Miss u more & more everyday… Chinese food sux’d,, $80 down the drain,, but got all ur favorites…. Wish u we’re here 2 eat it….I Love U… Happy New Year bro…XOXOXOXO….
feel like i haven’t spoke to you in too long, not a day goes by that i don’t think of or mention you. always on my mind and forever in my heart. i cannot think of what my life wouldv’e been like without you. i wouldv’e ended up as someone with no morals and no idea of how the world would treat me. i wouldv’e missed out on the only man who ever made me feel like the princess i was meant to be just with a plastic easel and some magnetic letters. dibby dah.
Love you always dad
Hey Bordinski,,, well another day of the same ol’ shit…Still hvein a hard x wth u being gone,, miss u a HELL of a lot…Cold as shit outside,, I’m loving it of course…Just wanted 2 let u no ur Neva far from my heart..I love u bro…xoxoxoxo… If u could make it snow 4 me AGAIN,, I would appreciate it…(*_*).. Gve mom & every1 a kiss & hug & tell them I love & miss them vm…..Lu2tm…
Thanks for the sign ❤️ You’re always with me! I love and miss you like crazy
i need you here with me again dad, i really do.
i need you here with me again dad, i really do. rest easy big man.
i gave in dad and i don’t feel proud of it. i tried my best being myself and doing what i could but my head got the best of my heart. i miss you.
Hey Brodinski,, tht dilapidated Bureau (tht only u could fix),,is no more…tht stupid thing kept getting more & more nauseating 2 look @,, looked more like an escalator each draw ova lapping the otha,,finally talked ur bestie in2 letting it go,,,but he kept EVERYTHING inside it,, stupid shit I don’t even think u knew was in there,, plus 1 draw,,,still so very hard 4 him,,, we all miss u so much,, still NOT getting any easier bro…U should b here wth us,, …got an app..(ugh(,, I HATE THIS..LIVE U ALWAYS BRO…XOXOXOXO<3
I’m trying so hard..
You know it’s not easier yet when you cry at market basket every time you see a nutta butta…. I miss you so much
UGH,, I really wana smack the person who Say’s it gets easier wth x,,, ABSOLUTELY does not!!!!!! Dibby dah bro…DIBBY DAH..XOXOXOXO …….<3<3<3<3
Stay with me ❤️
Hey Bro,,, still missing u just as much as I did on September 13,, . Superbowl Sunday coming up,,, sooo wish u we’re here,, Cory still ain’t talking about it,,, but alot of x”s he’ll be like uncle “”Dizzle””(lol) would love this,, remember wen uncle Dave did tht,,, he miss u so much.. ugh.. anyway,, I love u Brodinski,,,,always…
Love you always
feels like i haven’t written in years, feels like you’ve been gone for a lifetime. it hasn’t gotten easier but i started praying everynight again hoping to see you again in my dreams. i’m trying so hard in school, i’m dedicating myself to my future. if it weren’t for you i wouldn’t have had the right mindset going onto the rest of my life. thank you for preparing me for the best and the worst dad. i still remember the day we came up with dibbydah. you pulled up in papa bern’s old caddy and took me for ice cream. we were waiting on carol to stop talking and you and i thought we should have a way of saying i love you that would be our own type of i love you. everyday since then we said it to eachother and looked like goons speaking a different language. i’ve never been prouder to be a goon. dibby dah daddy.
Happy Valentine’s day Brodinski,,, . Miss u more now then b4, if that’s even possible . Just wanted 2 let u no how much I love u.. LOTS… This doesn’t seem 2 b getting easier, infact it’s seems harder,, just wish the pain would go away…. Some day we will met again until then Dibby dah….. XOXOXOXO..<3<3<3<3
Every day I get a great reminder that your with me dad.. keep the signs coming. Miss you so much. Dibby dah
Hey Brodinski,,, miss u so much. u no u r always wth me,, some day’s r easier then others, but neva really feel complete…I feel u all around but just wish I could c u,..nothing is the same without u bro… Love u more then I can say…..Xoxoxoxo..<3…. PS,, let it snow
Good mornin’ bro,,. Just a quick note 2 let u no ur always wth me,,, .. miss u so much… Everything ok here,,, Cory still not ready 2 talk about u yet,,, somex’s he does,,, but he changes the subject really fast… Continue 2 watch ova ur kids & beautiful grandchildren,, & of course us,,.. shine bright bro…. lu2tm.. xoxoxoxo..<3<3/33
Hey Brodinski,,,, . Just wanna let u no ur Neva far from my thoughts & my heart.. Miss u so much… Miss the stupid shit the most.. wish u we’re here…. I love u… xoxoxoxo
Missing you. Was at work and the my pillow commercial came on and I couldn’t help but smile and my eyes filled. I love you dad
Having such a hard time without you..
hey Brodinski,,, was just sitting here watching NCIS,,( started 2 cry.. only watched it cuz u ALWAYS had it on,, u use 2 make fun of the way i pronounced it “nicks”,, .. I HATE those 2 words ” use 2″,, meaning–(no more),, I miss u more then eva…Someday I will c u again,, but the emptiness rite now blows… TILL THEN. LU2TM XOXOXOXO ..(*_*)
happy easter daddy, not a day goes by where you aren’t on my mind.
Happy Easter Bro,, I only have 1 wish,, & it’s the same wish XOXEVERYDAY,, but I no it will Neva come 2 b…. I MISS U every single minute of every single day…. We r hvein ur favorite,,, Roast Beef.. $86 worth,,.. thts outrageous… I will make a plate 4 u… I love u bro……….Always,, jbird…. XOXOXOXO
Stay with me..guide me.. be my light.
I’ll forever need you.
I miss you. I love you.
Nope,, not 1 bit easier… Miss u more then Eva…. Stay on shoulder, keep me sane… Can’t seem get past this..love u bro. Xoxoxoxo. <3.,.
I usually have 2 go through “”hell”” 2 get 2 ur site,,, but I just turned my fone on & wat usually takes me 5-10 minutes 2 get 2 was already on my screen,, tells me ur hear wth me…. Miss u more then u could possibly no… love u bro… xoxoxoxo
Really hvein a hard x 2day, ugh,… Miss u so much… Lu2tm xoxoxoxo.
Please show me the way.
Please find a way to tell me I can.
I need you here
I love and miss you always
miss u more each day bro….. even tho they freak the hell outa me, keep sending those signs…..love u..
Hate to cuss but life has been kicking my ass without you here. I used to call you everynight and now i just go to bed hoping you’ll call my phone. Thank you for always making sure my day went well, for being there when it didn’t, and for being the only reason my day went well.
Tomorrow’s my exam, I know you’d be right here to cheer me on. It’s been so hard doing this without my number one fan. Stay with me ❤️
Love you always
Dibby dah
I know you’re by my side today please don’t leave me!!
I need you dad.
I did it dad!!!!!!
1 minute I’m sitting there wth no problem,, next minute I’m bursting in2 tears.. This is hell… I miss u so much bro… I can feel the break in my heart..& somex’s it’s feels like it will Neva mend… Love u much bro… xoxoxoxo ..& please…. STOP KNOCKIN THE PIX OF SHAWN & TAE OFF THE SIDE OF THE FRIDGE,. TY..,. I no ur here!!!! (*_*)…
28 years ago today you gave me the best gift i could’ve received, thank you. I love you dad.
Dad! I know your probably watching it from above but last nights episode of blue bloods Jaime and Eddie are finally together!!! And NCIS is probably breaking your heart. I miss you always.
U would b the 1st. one “always” 2 wish me a happy mother’s day,, whether in a txt or fone call,, lol.(from the otha room).. I really missed that 2day… … I miss u so much bro.. still real hard… Gve mom a big kiss & hug & tell her happy mother’s day & I love & miss her everyday… Xoxoxoxo.. .
I needed that visit dad!!! Thank you❤️ Love you always
I’m hvein a hard x wth the knowledge of never seeing u again,,not in this lifetime anyway,, yet i can feel u all around.. I miss u bro… Somedays r harder then others,,, just wish u we’re here… Love u brodinski….xoxoxoxo ♥♥♥♥
It’s been almost been 9,months & it’s NOT getting any easier…the thought of neva seeing u or hearing u is crippling.. Miss & love u so very much bro….♥♥♥♥+
What am I doing wrong ? Why is this so hard
brokenhearted.. .. Miss u brodinski,, always……………………I Love You!!!!
Wen does the pain lesson…I love & miss u bro..XOXOXOXO..
Happy Father’s Day dad I love and miss you so much.
Saturday im going to a medium. Hoping you come through. I loose it so easily, from a memory a conversation or someone else talking about their dad. I just wanna pick up the phone and call you. I reply your voicemails often. I love you
It still doesn’t feel real… Love & miss u every minute of everyday…. xoxoxoxo ..ugh!!!!
This “it will get better in x.” Is nothin more then 6 words put 2gether 2 gves u hope that this incredible pain ur feeling will subside,, bullshit.. Love & miss u bro..keep hanging around. Makes me feel a lil’ better..gve evey1 a kiss & tell them I miss them..gve mom the biggest hug. Xo oxoxoxxo..lata brodinski…. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Come bac!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
It’s just not the same
I feel u all around, just wish I could c u…still so hard..love & miss u more everyday… <3<3<3<3..Xoxoxoxo
Happy first birthday in heaven daddy. We miss you sooooooo much. The kids always talk about you your forever with us ❤️
Happy birthday in heaven bro how I wish you were here for us to celebrate it with you.. your first birthday in heaven I’m sure you’re spending it with all our loved ones that’s the only thing keeping me sane today. I love and miss you each and every day…. Xoxoxoxo happy happy birthday bro
Help me dad..send me a sign ❤️ I miss you so much
Love u bro… This feeling of emptiness doesn’t seem 2 b going away .. I miss u…Xoxoxoxo
Missing you dad ❤️
Missing U BIG X bro. Nothing is the same, everyday I miss u more.. My heart just can’t seem 2 mend.. I love u D… Wishing so much THT this is just a really bad nitemare…Lu2tm bro ,ALWAYS..XOXOXOXO
Good morning bro,, missing you big time, I just wish I could turn back the clock. I love you.
Baby Tim’s birthday today wasn’t the same without his papa! He misses you so much. I promise your memory with them will always be remembered. I miss you dad. Love you
U’ve been on my mind ALL day.. It’s 11:00 pm & I’m soo ready 4 bed, but I just wanted 2 tell u I miss & love u very much.. Goodnite bro..Xoxoxoxo
Missing you always
I talk 2 u everynite,, waiting 4 u 2 talk back…probably scare the shit out a me,, but I’m willing 2 take tht chance…missin u big x bro…. I love u bunches…xoxoxoxo
It’s almost been a year and it’s definitely not easier. I miss you always
I started putting your clothes in the bin I broke down so many times. But I’m keeping everything. I miss you so much bro,, I love you to the Moon and back. Just wish you were here….Xoxoxoxo ..
Miss & love u EVERYDAY…. XOXOXOXO. <3
Pats opener on now.. I know your here watching it.. you’d love my new couch and tv. Your spot is always open for you ❤️ I love you so much.. can’t believe it’s going to be a whole year without you, feels like yesterday I was holding your hand through every step. I miss you daddy.
I can’t believe a whole year has passed without you, it feels like yesterday. I miss you more everyday. The pain does not seem to be getting any easier on the contrary it gets harder and harder. I love you bro, keep sending those signs. I know it’s not much but it makes me feel a little better thinking ur still here with us. Till we meet again, I miss & loved you,, ALWAYS… XOXOXOXO <3
One year.. how? Seems like yesterday everything was going to be okay.. I miss you so much I can’t even put it into words. Baby Tim started kindergarten, you would cry laughing knowing he brought a clown wig to school pulled it out and put it on. He misses you dearly. Taelyn is loving cheerleading and I know how proud you would be of her and starting the first grade, papas princess. May & Molls for rocking it out in high school, help me guide them through. I’m still trying to make my dreams come true, a dream you helped me get too- trying to make you proud..
I love you so much dad.. I can still picture us in that hospital room.. stay with me forever daddy
Whoever said time heals all wounds is an idiot… it doesn’t and it never will. I I miss you so much bro , everyday is a struggle. But just feeling your presence here in the house seems to help a little. And when something unexpectedly happens with no Rhyme or Reason (& it happens a lot),I know it’s you & it really is kinda nice thinking it’s you,, cuz if not I’d hate to think of what it is:-). I love you bro. Keep watching over us. Give everyone a kiss and a hug and tell them I love them and I miss him very much. Until we meet again, dibby dah…Xoxoxoxo
I need you dad…
Hvein a really hard x 2day… Tears lots & lotss of tears..I miss u bro.. Every minute of everyday. I MISS YOU!!!!!! DIBBY DIBBY DAH..XOXOXOXO
Missing u bb g x… Love you D…
Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me
And then
Spin me around ’till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved
If I could get another chance
Another walk
Another dance with him
I’d play a song that would never ever end
How I’d love love love
To dance with my father again
When I and my mother
Would disagree
To get my way I would run
From her to him
He’d make me laugh just to comfort me
yeah yeah
Then finally make me do
Just what my mama said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he
Would be gone from me
If I could steal one final glance
One final step
One final dance with him
I’d play a song that would never ever end
Cause I’d love love love to
Dance with my father again
Sometimes I’d listen outside her door
And I’d hear how mama would cry for him
I’d pray for her even more than me
I’d pray for her even more than me
I know I’m praying for much to much
But could you send her
The only man she loved
I know you don’t do it usually
But Dear Lord
She’s dying to dance with my father again
Every night I fall asleep
And this is all I ever dream
If only I could talk to you today.. to hear your voice. Guide me if you can. I’m absolutely lost.. things are dark. I can’t find my way. I wish I could pick up the phone, I wish I could hear it’s going to be okay princess daddy loves you.. how did i end up at this point in my life.. why have I been tested for years.. when will I catch a break… I miss you so much dad.. I wish we had more time. Nothing has been the same. Everything’s getting worse.. I’m all alone.
I love you daddy.
All around the world and back
Dibby dah
Xxoo… I’m still sob lost… I try 2 put on a happy face but I’m dying inside… I love & miss u bro.. Xoxoxoxo… DIBBY DAH…..
Well my brother I miss you everyday I still have the bottle you bought me for New Years my first new year here I just can’t take myself to drink it and as you know your friend Troy messed up again and ran off in the middle of the night all because he wants to drink oh well no drinking here I love you so much I just want to call you and talk like we use to keep looking down on us all I love you dear friend and miss you every day
Taelyns cheer team won 2nd place yesterday. First thing I said to May was, I wish dad was here, he would be over the moon for Tae.. May responds with the best response – “ Shauna dad would be over the moon even if she came in last “ whichbis so true. You always pushed us to be the best at not giving up or trying cause as long as we tried, that was enough.
I love and miss you so much. I’m going through so much right now and I don’t know how to explain my wants for needing to pick up the phone to call you.
Stay with me forever
This depression is knocking me out… Ugh,, I miss u more everyday.. Someday’s it’s hard 2 function… Like now,,, I love u bro… Keep sending sign, somex’s it’s comforting,, otha x’s,, I run 4 cover… (*_*)… Until we meet again…. DIDDY DAH. XOXOXOXO
Holidays r sneaking up,,, & if its @ all possible,, this year is gona b so much harder.. Miss u every minute of everyday… Keep hangin around.. It makes me feel a lil’ better thinking it’s u. Miss u so so much bro…DIBBY DIBBY DAH!!!! XOXOXOXO
Dad I don’t know what I’m doing… I’ve lost my way.. I don’t know who I am anymore.. I need you. Visit me soon ..
Missing you so much.
Dad I promise I won’t ler you down.. I will get back up, I will do this.. just gonna take time..
I miss you so much. I know you wouldn’t want things like this for me.
Visit me
I love you
It’s tht time of year again,,, Thanksgiving,, ur favorite holiday,, I’m a mess,,, still can’t pull it 2gether,,.. & the Christmas music is bac on the radio,, so wat do I do,,, cry… I miss u more then I could of Eva imagined..I love u,, there will b a place @ the table 4 u again this year,,, try not 2 eat allll the stuffing,, . till Thursday,,, missing u like crazy…XOXOXOXO..
I’m so lost and I’ve completely given up, Dad. You’d be mad at me for giving up on myself as much as I have and there’s nobody to blame but me. I just have no motivation and want it all to be over. I need you here. Please come back.
Missing you so much. I need you.
Happy Thanksgiving bro… It was good, but no Where near how it use 2 b. We miss ur sarcasm while were cookin… I put a plate on the table 4u… I put xtra stuffing seeing it’s 1 of ur favs. I love u & I miss u so much…. Keep sending those signs… XOXOXOXO… ❤❤❤❤❤…
I’m falling apart. I love you, Dad. Please, give me some guidance.
Our baby Taelyn is already 7 years old. That’s crazy to think about. She misses papa so much and I know she appreciates her angel looking after her, I know I do.
I just got all my grades up in school. I’m hoping once I get my tattoo for you, I’ll never feel unmotivated again. I’ll look down on my arm but never look down on myself again.
Dibby dah started out as something we made up when I was a kid and now it’s a universal way of ‘I love you’ for more than just us. Crazy.
What I would do to have you here!!! I need you so much right now! I love you Dad
I love you, plain and simple.
I’m busting my ass not to prove myself but to prove you proud. You can say you’re proud of me always but now I’m giving you a reason to be. I love you.
Cam bursted in2 tears , I asked him wat’s rong, He said he miss Uncle Dave,, plus he’s woken up a couple of x’s in the middle of the nite,, Dreams of u,, then he starts 2 ball…he misses u so much bro. He’s double digits 2day,, the big 10, I wish so much THT u could b here,,… Send me a SIGN!!!! .I LOVE U . … Lu2tm Xoxoxoxo..
I’m sorry I’m letting you down. I’m sorry I’m not who you wanted me to be. I’m sorry I’m struggling to live this life. I miss you so much.. it hurts every single day. Come visit me please.
I love you dad
This is so hard,,, Holidays without u… I NEED a SIGN.. I HATE THIS….As always” I miss u. Love u..
I’m the embodiment of every goal that you ever had for me. I was losing myself but I’m back on my grind, I’m doing it more for you than me nowadays. That’s the best way of doing things and I’m on cloud 9. Thank you for carrying me here. I love you.
I’m decorating,, or tryin 2, I usually help me so it’s kinda depressing. I put up Tae’s ornament rite where u can c it, so send me a sign. Missin’ u more EVERYDAY.. Love u brodinski…….. XOXOXOXO… ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
If it wasn’t for these kids I don’t know what I’d be doing right now… Taelyn brought home some Christmas crafts from school and said “ mom you know who would have loved this one” I knew who she was gonna say but played along and asked who, she said “ papa”. I can’t help but cry every single time we talk about you. I miss you more than words could ever express. I love you. I know you’ll be here Christmas morning with your grandkids.
I’m still a basket case.. I would gve EVERYTHING I hve 4 just 2 hear u call my name… Or 2 Tell me 2 go f myself… I miss u more then I could of eva imagine . Happy Birthday J,,, I love u,,,, Thanks brodinski,, I love u 2….. .. Lu2tm Xoxoxoxo
Merry Christmas Daddy, it kills me to not have you here but it’s honestly amazing how I can feel you with me everywhere and everyday. I love you with every part of my being and I hope you’re resting high on a throne watching us open our gifts. Dibby Dah, King.
Happy New Year Brodinski.. ❤… u should b here wth us… I miss u more everyday… 2019 & every otha year just won’t feel the same.. I LOVE U….❤ ❤… Xoxoxoxo
Love and miss you Dad ❤️ Happy new year.
Hey Brodinski,,, it’s been awhile but so much goin on… Guide me through this. It would b so much easier if God would say ” Hey” Angel Dave,, I’m sendin u bac home cuz ur needs their more,,” ZAP,”,, THT would b awesome,, ugh!.. I love & miss u more wth every passin day….. LU2TM XOXOXOXO… Watch over us all & a lil’ extra prayer 4 Cam… Dibby Duh…
There are so many things that were left unsaid and I hate that I told myself we would have plenty of time. There is just never enough time.
MISS U bro… Wish I could call u…love u always… Xoxoxoxo…
I got my tattoo yesterday, your handwriting on my arm for the rest of my life. Now everytime I look down on myself, I always have a reminder to look back up. I love you, Dad.
Pats win the Super Bowl … miss you so much ❤️
Love you dad
Thinkin of u always… Wish I could call u.. I really need 2 talk 2 u . (& hve u answer) ugh!!!.. Till I see u again brodinski,, I love & miss u… Lu2tm
Help me today please, I’m trying not to give up.
I love and miss you so much
Still hvein a hard x wth this…. I can c u as clear as day, & still hear ur voice…i pray tht neva changes.. I love u D.. Missing u more everyday… Time doesn’t make it any easier,, who thought up tht saying was an idiot… Lu2tm Xoxoxoxo…. ❤ ..
I love you, thank you.
I love u…. Good Nite.. Xoxoxoxo. ❤
I miss you always ❤️
It’s like all my memories are coming back to me, it’s crazy how that works. I’m so happy to have you with me at all times. I miss you Dad, please if you can’t help me, just watch me.
Every day is a struggle without u…. Miss & love u, ALWAYS… ❤ XOXOXOXO
I feel so amazing, I feel like you haven’t left my side lately and I’m so grateful. It’s insane how noticeable the difference is when I have you around. I feel so motivated and I know I can push through it all, for me and for you. I love you, Dad.
Life is going so well, you’re really helping me out! I feel the best I ever have and I feel like I’m really making you proud. Dibby dah, Dad.
I love & miss you so much!!
Help me get back on track ❤️
All As and Bs and I’m trying out for softball today! I’ve been crazy stressed but I am so happy to be where I am. Thank you for sticking by me thru it all! I love and miss you so very much.
You always used to brag about me to your friends when I was around or even when I wasn’t. Now, when people compliment my tattoo, I get to brag about how great my dad was. I love you, Dad.
Hey Bro,, had a dream about u the other nite, it was do real & vivid tht wen I woke up I was on my way out 2 tell u,, then reality hit, & I couldn’t move 4 a minute.. I miss u more everyday, knowing I will c u again someday. hopefully not 2day, haha,.. Love u brodinski.. Until I c u again, stay wth me.. ❤
I know I can do great things, I hope you’re watching. I feel you by my side through all of it and I’m so grateful. I’m pushing so hard! I love you, Dad. Dibby dah, papa bless. ❤️
I’m giving it my all & I feel amazing. I love you, thank you.
❤.. I LOVE & MISS U MORE EVERYDAY. Some days are better then others, but knowing I will c tht face again someday seems 2 help a little… Stay close.. Neva leave.. NEVER!!!! Until then, Dibby duh! .. ❤ .. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo
The move, the puppy, school.. life- I just neeed my dad. It’s not the same I just wanna pick up the phone.. I love you dad❤️
I love you, Dad.
My group of friends said that they all envied how positive I am and how I never fail to keep my head up no matter what. All I had to thank was my dad, I love you. Thank you for making me who I am, Dad.
I made it to sixteen, Dad. Last night, the family was talking about my birthday and all I could think about was how I would give every birthday, every gift, everything to have you here to spend today with me. But my beginning is our beginning so happy birthday to us, Dad. I love you more and more every year, dibby dah.
Everyday lately is a struggle.. things are getting foggy.. stay with me ❤️ We miss you
I have a game tomorrow, Dad. Hope you’re able to watch it, wherever you are. I love you, give me what I need to kill it tomorrow.
Somex’s I wake up & still 4get ur not here, then reality hits me & it’s like I lost u all ova again.. This really doesn’t get any easier & time doesn’t really heal all wounds, Everyday is like groundhogs day, I wake up, ur not here, I go 2 bed, ur not here, the pain is still very much real & the missing u is constant… It SUX.. Send me another sign so I no ur still here 2 aggravate me…(*_*).. I love u brodinski, & Miss u more then I can say.. ❤
Happy Easter Dad I miss you
Happy Easter Bro… Wish u we’re here. Love & miss u. ❤ … Xoxoxoxo
I’m doing so much but I still feel like I’m not doing enough, I have to try harder. I love you.
Going to the state house to be honored as one of the young leaders of the vocational academies. If only you were here to see it all go down. Thank you for pushing me to work harder, I’m getting places and I’m not gonna disappoint you. You did everything for me now I do everything for you, dibby dah.
Miss u like crazy… Goodnite Brodinski. Love u Always… Xoxoxoxo… ❤
I had one of the worst weeks last week and I felt myself break a little inside, not going to lie to you, Dad. But I made it through it with my head relatively high & I’m ready to give it another try on this beautiful Monday morning. “Life is only what you make of it, Princess.” Softball game today, hope you can see it from where you’re sitting up there. Dibby dah, Dad.
I see so much of you in myself, it’s absolutely insane. I miss you so much but it’s almost like you never even left. You’ve influenced me so much and I can only pray that one day I can have that effect on someone else. Dibby dah, Dad.
Shauna is 29 today, time flys. She misses you dearly and so do I. We love and miss you, Dad.
Missing you so much it hurts so bad just as it did when I watched you take your last breath. Auntie Pat is now up in heaven with you, I asked her to hug you for me. I could really use one of your hugs dad.
I need your help, stay with me. Guide me.
I love you
Give me what I need to make these decisions, Dad. There are just some things I shouldn’t have to do without you here. Dibby dah, Dad.
I still c u soo clearly, just wish I could hug u.. I NEED A BRO HUG… Miss u so much D.. Dibby Dibby Duh!!!! Xoxoxoxo.. ❤ …
I literally have no idea what I’m doing down here..
I miss you so much
I need you to tell if I’m doing the right thing
I love you dad
Another compliment yesterday about my character & how confident and determined I am, I tell them all I get it from my dad. Dibby dah, Dad.
I don’t give her enough credit but Shauna is the best person I know. If not for her, I don’t know where I’d be. I give her a headache everyday but I hope she knows how strong she is. She is all I am & I’m beyond grateful. She’s everything I want to be, whether she believes it or not. Thank you for bringing Shauna into this world, I love you both unconditionally.
I love & miss u more everyday brodinski.. Good nite… Give mum a Hugh hug & kiss..ttyl..(*_*).. ❤
I’m learning that people change and I just hope I’m not one of them. I’ve never needed one of your hugs more. I miss you, Dad. Dibby dah.
I still sometimes reach to call you at 7 PM like we used to everyday. It kills knowing you won’t be on the other end again. Dibby dah, Dad.
I really have no clue what I’m doing.
I miss you so much.
I love you always
Really need 2 heart voice.. Even if its u calling me a balloon head. U just of called me tht a million x’s… Missing u do much brodinski… LU2TM & BAC,, ALWAYS… XOXOXOXO… ❤
May got her first job.
Timothy can ride a bike with no training wheels.
Taelyn chopped her hair and is growing up so fast.
Molleigh went to Japan and also has a job.
You’d be so proud of them.
Me? I losing it. I miss you so much and would give anything to have you back. This past year has been awful, but I’m here.. for them though.
I love you dad, help me ❤️
Happy Father’s Day Papa!!!
We love and miss you so very much.
Happy Father’s Day, my guy. Another one without you here to give you a badly drawn hand turkey. Even if I am 16, those turkeys were the best and you know it. Just got a job but there isn’t enough money in the world to get me what I really want. I miss you, Dad. Dibby dah & happy parade day.
Happy Belated pops day bro…got A lot goin on… Eat we thought was a hernia (4 tht last 4 yrs.) ended up bein far worse.. We must of told him 1,000 x’s 2 go get it checked out… Now it’s been festerin for 4 fuc’n yrs… He keeps repeatin ” I really need uncle dizzle.. Anyway, please watch ova him. He’s tryin 2 stay strong, but a mama knows her kid & he’s stressing BIG X… I LOVE U BRO.. I gve ANYTHING 2 hve u here.. Miss u like crazy…. ❤ ☘ .. Dibby Duh bro,, DIBBY DUH!!!!. LU2TM XOXOXOXO..
Missing you as always. Tim has a blue Mohawk. I can only imagine how pumped up you would make him thinking how cool it is. Life has been a whirl wind without you. I’m still tryin to find my way.
I love you
Missing u so much. NOTHIN has been the same.. I still break down alot.. Wish we could go bac in time.. So much goin on.. Cory’s got an app. lata this month. ( it’s gona b so soo painful), please stay by his side.. Hopefully they get it all & it didn’t spread.. He’s way 2 young.. Cancer SUX… I LOVE U BRODINSKI,, ALWAYS… XOXOXOXO ❤ …
I love you, I miss you, I’m glad I had you, I’m glad to have you. Dibby dah, Dad.
I’m fucking lost dad…help me
Happy birthday dad!
The kids & I miss you so much.
I wish I could have one more day
I had no service the other day but happy birthday, Dad. I love and miss you more than words, it kills not being able to see you. I sometimes just want a hug and it isn’t the same from anyone else. Dibby dah, big man. Happy birthday again, my guy.
I miss you, every single day
Nothing, NOTHING , is the same.. Someday I will c u again.. Until then I love & miss u so much… ❤ Dibby Duh Bro.. XOXOXOXO
Your grandson is 5, I hate that he won’t have you growing up.
I miss you so much
Hey bro.. It’s been awhile, feelin a lil” guilty but it’s been kind of hectic.. Cory’s girlfriend Kim had a dog but the mother wanted it gone cuz it pissed on her bed twice. He has separation anxiety really bad…the lightning , fireworks anything wth a loud boom freaks him out.. He also has very high anxiety they have him on Prozac and Trazodone. So she bought Gus back to the shelter she got him from, it’s a no-kill shelter . Cory was crying and all upset and like an idiot I went over an adopted Gus.LOL. yes there is something radically wrong with me.. when they get their apartment I will gve Gus back to them..i gve Gus 2 Cameron, but he’s all about Fortnite…24/7.. Lol.. I’m not even allowed to have a dog. Cameron’s been running so so high on his blood. Keep changing his #’s 2 try 2 get him down to 120.. Ugh.. Anyway moss u so much.. Love u more… XOXOXOXO.. ❤ …
I hope you’re happy with my decisions lately. I’m trying to focus on me and what’s best for me. I miss you so much, I could use a conversation right now
Love you
I love you & I miss you more than ever before
This isn’t getting any easier wth time, in fact it’s getting impossible 2 go through a day without falling apart… I miss u bro. More then I ever thought possible..ugh… Until we meet again,,I LOVE U… ❤ ..XOXOXOXO.
Start of my junior year tomorrow, I’m finally pushing myself back into the deep water. I’m taking AP classes and might do a bunch of extra curriculars, push myself out of my comfort zone. I’m so happy where I’m at and it’s crazy to think this time last year I completely gave up on myself. If not for you, I don’t know where I’d be. I miss you like crazy but I still have you on my arm, on my mind, and in my heart forever. Dibby dah, big man. You’re my number 1!
Well, this morning started off horrible.. complete emotional mess. Not sure wtf I’m doing anymore.. but then I got my email & I’ll be back in school in January. I won’t let anyone bring me down or hold me back. I wish you could be here in person cause I need one of our talks soooo bad, I just wanna hear your voice again. I know you are by my side and I hope you support me in my decisions. I miss you like crazyyyy!!!
Love you daddy.
Just need 2 let u no ur still in the forefront of my mind.. Miss u more then I can say… I can still c ur face as clear as day, but I would love 2 b able 2 hear ur voice… Love u brodinski… Xoxoxoxo.. ❤✝ ❤…
I fucking miss you
I’ve been trying for days to post on this site but none of my posts are going up here’s hoping this one does. The day I’m dreading is quickly approaching. I hate that you’re not here. I love you bro and I miss you more and more everyday…. Lu2tm XOXOXOXO… ❤
2 years..
2 years since I heard your voice.
2 years since I held your hand.
2 years since I got to hug you.
I miss you every second of every day. Life has been so hard without you. Half the time I can’t even function..
I’m trying so hard to make you proud of me..
I love you daddy..
Ugh.. Very hard 2 keep focused 2day… I miss u more & more… Knowing tht 1 day we will C each otha again helps, (a little)… I can still hear ur voice. Calling Cory a “chowder head’ lol.. U had some pretty funny lines… Miss them… Miss YOU!!!! Stay close.. Keep those signs coming… I look 4 them… Until we meet again, I LOVE YOU!!!! XOXOXOXO… ❤
Well dad Bella girl passed today. I know she’ll be snuggling with you again like she always did when you were here..
I’m waiting for the day life gets easier.
Miss you
hey brodinsky. Been busy didn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Yesterday Cameron had is 50000 diabetes appointment but he’s doing great. He’s going to be getting the glucose monitor and the pump which will make life a lot easier for him and me. And it will give him some more freedom. So you can but his knees in his legs have been really hurting him especially the last month he didn’t go to school on Tuesday I brought him up to school today but I ended up bringing him home I got to bring him to the whidden just for an x-ray… something’s really wrong it goes out from underneath them. Anyway I miss you everyday I miss you more and more… give everybody a hug and a kiss especially mom tell him I love them. And I love you to the Moon and back… XoxoxoxoLater bro… ❤ …
I don’t think I’ve ever worked this hard, I’m only getting better. I’ve been giving everything my all and as draining as it is, I’m not stopping until I see the life you wanted for me. You motivate me everyday I’m alive and I cannot thank you enough. I love and miss you more than anyone will ever comprehend. Dibby dah, Big Dog.
So completely drained.. But gota keep pushing myself… This diabetes,, ugh.. But Cam’s handling it so good.. So proud of him..
I miss & love u EVERYDAY brodinski.. Keep sending them signs… Give every1 a big hug & kiss… Wish I we’re ALL here… Lu2tm XOXOXOXO.. ❤ ❤
It’s getting to be that time of year again. Holidays!! Kinda getting tired of people telling me I’m depressed. I know this. And I know why. I love and miss you bro. More and more everyday.. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo.. ❤
Missing you so much love you always
It just stinks knowing that you left right before things got interesting. I finally have my life in my own hands and I feel like everyday is something I finally have complete control over. It’s exhilarating, I hope that if you’re anywhere watching, you’re enjoying it with me. I love you so much, miss you everyday. Dibby dah, my guy.
Look at the two of you dancing that way
Lost in the moment and each other’s face
So much in love, you’re alone in this place
Like there’s nobody else in the world
I was enough for her not long ago
I was her number one, she told me so
And she still means the world to me
Just so you know
So be careful when you hold my girl
Time changes everything, life must go on
And I’m not gonna stand in your way
I loved her first
I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she’d find you someday
But it’s still hard to give her away
I loved her first
How could that beautiful woman with you
Be that same freckled face kid that I knew?
The one that I read all those fairy tales to
And tucked into bed all those nights
And I knew the first time I saw you with her
It was only a matter of time
I loved her first
I held her first
And a place in my heart will always be hers
From the first breath she breathed
When she first smiled at me
I knew the love of a father runs deep
And I prayed that she’d find you someday
But it’s still hard to give her away
I loved her first
The only man who ever really loved me dad… I miss you so much
Back when I was a child
Before life removed all the innocence
My father would lift me high
And dance with my mother and me
And then
Spin me around ’till I fell asleep
Then up the stairs he would carry me
And I knew for sure
I was loved
If I could get another chance
Another walk
Another dance with him
I’d play a song that would never ever end
How I’d love love love
To dance with my father again
When I and my mother
Would disagree
To get my way I would run
From her to him
He’d make me laugh just to comfort me
yeah yeah
Then finally make me do
Just what my mama said
Later that night when I was asleep
He left a dollar under my sheet
Never dreamed that he
Would be gone from me
If I could steal one final glance
One final step
One final dance with him
I’d play a song that would never ever end
‘Cause I’d love love love to
Dance with my father again
Isn’t it funny, no matter carol did – how badly it hurt us you always told us – “ that’s your mother Shauna blah blah “ yet she’d have no problem talking shit or filling our heads..
I’m trying so hard to be a better mother, I’m trying so hard to keep my babies happy, keep there relationship with their dad pure. I’m losing it dad
I need you so much
I miss u so so Very much, ,EVERY SINGLE DAY…. I love u brodinski… Xoxoxoxo.. ❤
I miss you so much ❤️
Why can’t anything be easy for me ? I wish you were here.. I wish I could talk to you and have you tell me it will be alright or try to fix it… I really don’t know how I get up everyday.
Missing you always.
It’s tht time of year again, holiday season.. I miss you so so much… I would gve ANYTHING 4 just 1 more day… I love you bro. Lu2tm XOXOXOXO
I’m drowning dad… save me.
Today is my first show day for my school play, I decided to try something new and expand my horizons. It starts at 6:30 tonight if you wanna swing by, I’d love to have you there. Dibby dah, big guy.
Happy thanksgiving dad. We miss you
Hey bro,, NO, I did not forget you, matter of fact I tried posting you a couple of messages but for some reason they’re not posting. I tried updating my messenger & nope that’s not working either. if this one doesn’t post then I’m going to have to wait for Cameron to come home from school lol. It’s been hectic this diabetes is insane,, you would be able to keep me calm, cuz you know all about diabetes. I just wish it would stop. Anyway I’m missing you big time. Give everybody a hug and a kiss for me. Especially mama hit it.. Till we meet again,,, LU2TM XOXOXOXO. ❤ ❤
Daddy I know you were here this morning. Michelle came by & I grabbed her a coffee at dunks. She got a medium hot 10milk no sugar. She comes over brought Taelyns stocking back with her name put on it & starts telling me how much she loves and admired me & in between asked for sweet N low. I tell her of course I have sweet n low trying to hold back tears. I start telling her how I have a box of all your sugar, sweet n low equal & stolen handfuls of dunks sugar sitting in the cabinet with the rest of your stuff I just can’t get myself to move or get rid of. She does something amazing and so unexpected for me and the kids dad, I was speechless. Yes me, speechless!!! It’s been the hardest time going through this chapter without you here to help me but in that beautiful grateful moment with Michelle, I knew that was your sign telling me you’re here & you are still just as proud of me.
The kids miss you, I miss you. Nothing has been the same since you left this earth.
Stay with me ❤️
Love you daddy
Merry Christmas Dad.. I miss you so much.
Merry Christmas brodinski..
I love & miss u so Very much… Lu2tm XOXOXOXO. ❤ ☃ ..
Happy New Year Bro.. I live & miss u more everyday.. Lu2tm Xoxoxoxo
Happy New Year Dad. I miss you more than words could say.
Miss & love u bro…. ❤️
Missing you more than ever
Still playing games wth my house keys huh,, lol. It’s gr8 feeling ur presence around the house.. (*-*).. just wish U were here.. love & miss u everyday,,, give everyone a big kiss & tell them I love them. Stay close bro.. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️ ☘️❤️
I love and miss you so much
Lil’ note 2 let u know I love u.. missing u BIG x bro…. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️ ☘️❤️
Happy Valentines Day to my first Valentine and the only man to ever love me to the fullest. Marc try’s so hard to fill your shoes on special days like this or those little just because gifts. I love and miss you SOOOO MUCH
I may not send you messages as much as I used to but trust me not a day goes by that I don’t think or talk about you.. At first I couldn’t even bare to say your name without bursting into tears,, the heartache was so unbearable.. now I smile a bit when I talk about you but the pain is still so very real.. I would love to build a time machine,,wouldn’t that be awesome! Anyway I just wanted to tell you how much I love and miss you.. Until we meet again,, Fly high Brodinski… LU2TM XOXOXOXO… ❤️ ☘️ Hey,, will u make it snow,,, ❄️ ⛄️ TY (*-*)
The pain never goes away.
I miss you more each day.
I need you more than I ever did.
I love so much daddy
I hve ur picture wth Tae & Cam as my home screen, Everyx I pic it up I smile & cry @ the same time.. I miss u more then Eva bro… stay close.. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️ ☘️
I miss u so much❤️ ☘️ Lu2tm xoxoxoxo
Good morning Brodinski,, then there’s a crazy around here no need to crazy in the world. I’m sure you can see that from where you are . Anyway just wanted to let you know that I love you very much and I miss you more than words can say. Do you got any angel Work and watch over us all. Give everyone a hug and a kiss and tell them I love them. Give Mama and extra kiss and a long hug and tell her that I miss her more than ever. Lu2tm XOXOXOXOXO ❤️ ☘️ ❤️
Struggling sooooo much dad.
Help me❤️
Hey bro, this coronavirus is crazy. You got a front row seat. Watching us all acting insane. The boredom is the worst. I don’t know how we’re going to do it for another two weeks. In the house Doing the same shit day after day after day after day LOL. There’s only so much you can do in the house before you go Bonkers. Wish you were here,,, ALWAYS.. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️ ☘️
Well, Mays 17 dad.
Help me down here.
We miss you
Love you always
Omg, This coronavirus shit is crazy. It’s so insane. Log down 24/7 only to be able to go to the store. And then there’s nothing& I mean nothing at the stores.. ugh!! Anyway I miss you and love you, I WISH U WERE HERE!!!! Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️
I know I wasn’t the best son, all you wanted me to do was care. I’m waiting for something to happen that I know won’t happen for a long. I just hope when it does that there’s something on the other side. I just want a chance to make up for lost time. My biggest regret was not being there for you. My regret of being in the role of son, a role that I failed to live up to. You gave me everything you could, in which I gave you carelessness in return. I think of you everyday, I think of how much I hurt you with my actions. I can barely get by day to day knowing how I treated you. I could never live up to be even half the man that you were, and that’s a regret that I will hold with me even after I’m gone.
I love you, I miss you, I’m sorry.
Good morning brodinski, this pandemic is really starting 2 get old,, can ya talk 2 “”THE BIG GUY”” I’m sure wth ur wit & personality u 2 have become very close. . I miss u more everyday…. I LOVE U BRO. ALWAYS ❤️ .. Watch ova us all.. hve mom a big hug & kiss. I miss u all very much.. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ☘️❤️ ☘️
Hey bro just checking in to tell you that I love you and I miss you more than you know. ☘️❤️ ☘️.. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo
Hey Bro,, just checking in.. Everything’s still the same.. this stupid carina virus is stopping the world from living.. UGH!! Anyway, just wanted 2 tell u I LOVE & MISS U EVERY MINUTE OF EVERY DAY… Goodnite Bro… Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️ ☘️❤️
I miss you much.
Good mornin’ Bro, it’s been awhile, sorry…. a day neva goes by tht I don’t think of u. Everything’s STILL the same, this stupid pandemic is driving me crazy. Anyway,, I wish u we’re here,, I love & miss u more EVERYDAY. watch ova us & keep me calm cuz I’m sooo very close 2 pullin a DEXTER on tht piece of . Gve everyone a big kiss 4 me.. I miss them very much. Lata Bro.. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ☘️❤️ ☘️
Changed my first tire today dad. Doing this life without and now without Tim.. I’m still your strong independent stubborn spitfire of a daughter. Nothings been the same since you left. I miss you so much
Good morning’ Brodinski, so f’n bored. Only so much cleaning ya can do. So now I’m on window duty. EVERY WINDOW! Now I’m pissed tht I started it. Miss u EVERYDAY! Tell God 4 ur birthday all ya want is 2 come home 4 the day.❤️ Hve everyone a big kiss from me & tell them I miss them terribly, especially mom… Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️☘️ ☘️❤️
Happy Father’s Day Papa/daddy. We miss you
Miss & love u brodinski,, EVERYDAY… ❤️☘️ ☘️❤️
Love & miss u bro… still havin trouble wth it!!! . Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️ ☘️☘️
Happy birthday Daddy. I miss you more than I could ever express. Please help me through this.
The kids miss you terribly!
We love you
Happy Birthday Brodinski I would gve anything 2 hve u here spending ur b-day wth us… Everyday wthout u sux.. the only comfort is knowing tht ur spending ur day wth loved ones!! Fly high bro… send me a sign PLEASE!!! Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️☘️ ☘️❤️
Hey bro, I think about you all the time. But lately it’s like constantly. I love and miss you more than you know.
Wish every day did I could rewind life. Keep watching over us. Until we meet again Dibby Duh! ❤️☘️ ☘️❤️ Lu2tm xoxoxoxo
Wish u we’re here 2 help me wth this damn DIABETES ,, ugh! I miss u more EVERYDAY. Who Eva said it gets easier wth time was a moron! I love u!! Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️☘️ ❤️
Just wanted 2 let u know I think about u EVERYDAY.. LOVE & MISS U SOOOOO MUCH BRODINSKI… ❤️☘️ . LU2TM XOXOXOXO
Hey Brodinski,, it’s coming up on three years. Sometimes it feels like it just happened other times it feels like you’ve been gone for many many years. I miss you so much. Sometimes I can feel you so strongly it’s freaky 🙂 but I’ll take it. It’s better than not feeling you around at all. Anyway just checking in. Talk to you later☘️ LU2TM XOXOXOXO ❤️☘️ ☘️❤️…..
I just wanna sleep the next few days away. I miss you so much
3 Years today. I miss you so much Brodinski! But I still feel you around. And hopefully I always do… Love you so much bro ❤️☘️ ☘️❤️ Lu2tm xoxoxoxo
I’ll never be the same .
I miss you dad.
Hey Bro,, I MISS U!!!! Anyway Cory did that ancestry DNA and last night he got the results OMG he found his father. He kept saying I wish uncle Dizzle was here!! It didn’t take him long at all. He’s only 51% Irish. He’s European and Asian that must be where the eyes come in, Italian, Scottish & Wales, and A couple of other nationalities. He’s got a sister, her name is Tanya. A few uncles so many many many cousins. And he still hasn’t gone all the way through the DNA testing results yet. He’s all over the place with this. Send him a sign bro. They own a travel agency. There’s one dude Anthony Esposito he’s a 2003% match with him and he’s only 1300% with Chris. Lol.. this is so mind blowing especially for him. Anyway I miss you like crazy & I LOVE U!!! Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️☘️ ☘️❤️
Good mornin’ Brodinski, just letting you know I love and miss you ALWAYS!!!! It’s the same old same old. Every day is like Groundhog Day. Send me a sign bro.. I really need one badly… LU2TM XOXOXOXO ❤️ ☘️
I miss you every day, but I’m having a hard time 2day… I wish so much that you were here. Send me a sign bro, I need it. LU2TM XOXOXOXO ❤️☘️
Missing u big time… So wish u we’re here.. Love u Brodinski ❤️☘️
Happy Thanksgiving bro. We put another place for you at the table. And I will continue to do that every year. I miss you big time. Hope you and mom and dad Ricky and Jimmy John along with everyone else at a rock and Thanksgiving. I wish you all were here. Keep watching over us. I love you bro. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️☘️ ☘️❤️
Good morning bro,,another Long uneventful boring day to look forward to. I really can’t seem to get into the holiday spirit. I put the tree and lights up for Cameron ( but I don’t think he really cares because he doesn’t help he just sits and plays on his PlayStation LOL), Anyway I get so depressed this time of year I really don’t want to do anything. I’m missing you big time bro. Please send me a sign I need something to perk me up a bit. Until I meet again I love him if he would while my heart. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo ❤️☘️ ❄️☃️ ☘️❤️
Happy New Year Brodinski!!!! I LOVE & MISS U just as much 2day as I did the day God called u home… Tell Mom & everyone I love & miss them also.. wish u could ALL B HERE. Please watch ova us & PLEASE,, SEND ME A SIGN …. LU2TM XOXOXOXO ❤️ ☘️
❤️Love & Miss u❤️. Signs bro,, SINGS☘️ .
Hey Bro, it’s been awhile. Still missing u just as much as eva! Can’t seem 2 get outa this rut. Every day is Groundhog Day. 🙂 anyway just wanted to touch base and tell you I love you. Really really wish you were here. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo
I love U ❤️ . Miss u EVERYDAY!!!! ❤️ ☘️
Hi Uncle Dizzle, it’s me, your nephew. I can’t believe it’s been 4 years today. I really miss you. I wish you were here to talk to me as I feel really lonely. I’m getting married in 12 days and I know you would love to be there. I miss your jokes and playing hearts at 5 am in the back hallway, and going to dunks across from ma’s house, I still know the same order that you always got, medium ice with 4 pumps of hazelnut swirl, cream and 3 equal, but I get sugar..I have not watched NCIS since you left, I try to watch jeopardy as much as I can and I still know all the answers You are always on my mind, and in my heart. Please, please watch over mom, and me, I just wish we had more time together as we were getting closer everyday. I really do miss you so much. I love you uncle D, Rest In the sweetest peace
Hey Brodinski, Last 4 messages I put on this sight didn’t register., ugh! Hopefully this 1 will, we shall c!! So I’ll make this 1 short & sweet,, I LOVE & MISS U EVERY MINUTE OF EVERYDAY!!!! Keep watching ova us all.. Lu2tm Bro. xoxoxoxo
Hey Brodinski, Last 4 messages I put on this sight didn’t register., ugh! Hopefully this 1 will, we shall c!! So I’ll make this 1 short & sweet,, I LOVE & MISS U EVERY MINUTE OF EVERYDAY!!!! Keep watching ova us all.. Lu2tm Bro. xoxoxoxo
Hey Brodinski, finally got a message up here, anyway, it’s been awhile, sorry, but very busy and definitely stressed, well anyway,, unfortunately. someone very close will b coming there soon, hoping u would meet her @ the gates!! I’m sure it’s gorgeous there.. but as 4 me, I’m goin 2 ROCK & ROLL HEAVEN, but I will visit often, afta all I’ll only b a few clouds away. Gve evey1 a kiss & a hug from me & tell them I love them, especially mom.. I love & miss u EVERYDAY.. Lu2tm xoxoxoxo!!! Until we meet again,, DIBBY DUH
I miss you so much dad. I hope I’m making you proud, I finally did it & wish you were here. Nurse Evers ❤️ Just how you wanted it.
I love you
Happy birthday Dad , I miss you so much!
God, I haven’t written here in maybe 3 years? I’ve been talking to the sky. I don’t know where to begin honestly. I graduated, I moved to New York, I started college, dropped out, moved back to Shauna’s and now I’m just existing. Marc and Kayla had a baby, her name is Avery Rose Evers. She’s so beautiful and she looks just like Marc. I imagine you holding her now and it’s choking me up knowing you never will. Taelyn and Tim are fully functioning human beings. They’re getting older so fast and I want to slow it down. And with all of that, I’ve been dealing with the thoughts about how I lost a lot of hope for my future when I realized that everything I worked so hard for wasn’t what I wanted. I feel like a failure but the only thing that keeps me going is you.
I haven’t stopped thinking of you, especially lately because things have been tough mentally. I don’t think I’m doing well. I’ve become so anxious that I’m wasting time and not doing enough. Truth is, I am so lost. I don’t think I’ve ever been this lost. I know I’m young and I’m supposed to be confused but this hurts.
I really wish I had you here, I just need another conversation. This is so unfair. I did everything right and still didn’t want any of it. I’m not giving up, I swear. It just hurts feeling so lost and scared without my dad. I have no guidance, I feel so alone. Please come back. It’s only the beginning but it feels like the end and it’s only gonna get worse.
I miss you is an understatement. Please come back, this doesn’t feel real. Dibby dah.
I will never forget you and the children we made together. Gone but not forgotten…Marc,Shauna, most of all May ,pick up the phone and call me.love always, Mama-dukes
Life hasn’t been the same. Wish you were here to meet Avery. We miss you papa!
To my children Shauna/ Marc/May call me /I’m here for you ALWAYS. MOM
It’s been a while, bro, but not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. It’s seven years today., sometimes it Feels like it just happened other times it feels like an eternity. But no matter how much time goes by, Sometimes the pain is as raw as the day you left , YOU ARE SO MISSED . Alot has happened since you left, but I’m sure you know as you are looking down on us. Anyway, keep a lookout for Martha, And tell her I Love and miss her. I will definitely keep in touch. Lol. I love and miss you so much, Brodinski, DIBBY DUH 💕✝️🙏🏻☦️💕
It’s been a while, bro, but not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. It’s seven years today., sometimes it Feels like it just happened other times it feels like an eternity. But no matter how you cut it,”YOU ARE SO MISSED NO, OH
Life is constantly changing. I wonder how it would have worked out if you were still here. I hope I’m still making you proud. You were my biggest fan and my best supporter no matter what. The kids are so big – Tim loves all sports, playing football and is qb this year. Tae made an Elite cheer team and is going to compete in Florida. Avery is an absolute doll. Marc is almost 30 in two weeks and May is thriving with her cooking & doing life her way. You’d love me with Ryan- he treats me so good and I’m so happy.
I miss you always.